
Showing posts with the label customize

Restrict access to logged-in users only in Dspace

 Restrict access to logged-in users only in Dspace 1. Login as an Admin 2. Edit the Item or Community 3. Click on "Authorizations..." button (on the Right-Side Item Status tab) 4. Find the Bitstream (File) access policy and click on the "ID" column. (for Community Restriction add E-people or E-Group in READ Access only.) 5. Change the Group from "Anonymous" (which means anyone can access it) to a different Group 6. Save the changes

Change default port number of Koha

Change default port number of Koha Open a Applications > Accessories > Terminal and add new port numbers in the following file, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf We have to add new ports for Koha. Port 8000 for Koha staff client and port number 8001 for OPAC. Add the following lines in the file, Listen 8000 Listen 8001 Disable the port unwanted port number by putting a # in front of the line. e.g. #Listen 8080 Save and close the file. Change port numbers in Apache configuration files for Koha instance, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/library.conf find the title and change port numbers. # OPAC <VirtualHost *: 8001 > and # Intranet <VirtualHost *: 8000 > Save and close the file. Restart Apache, sudo service apache2 restart

Customize the logo and header in XMLUI interface

 Customize the XMLUI interface Open following file in a terminal, sudo su sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml  Find the line (Line no.27) (Change the location bar title) <message key="xmlui.general.dspace_home">P SG College of Technology </message> Find the line  (Line no. 2170) <message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle"> DSpace Repository </message> Change the text Dspace Repository Save and close the file.  Prepare a logo as follows (125x74 pixel). Place the image in home folder. Open a Linux Terminal and apply following command to copy the logo image to the folder. cp logo.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/themes/Mirage/images Open the css file to change the logo image attribute. Open a terminal and apply following command.  Here Dspace webapps directory located in /opt/tomcat/.  Dspace webapps may be located in /dspace folder.  Confirm it before the execution of the below command; sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapp

Dspace 6 JSPUI Customization

 Replace the default DSpace Branding Heading and Dspace logo Install Locater   sudo apt install mlocate Change The ''Dspace at My University'' from the Location bar Apply the following command to open configure file sudo gedit /dspace/config/dspace.cfg Create a Header image, Put it in the home folder, and Copy it into the jspui/image folder from the home folder. cp header.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/image Open the terminal, log in with the root user and apply the following command to open the file. sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/jspui/layout/header-default.jsp Find the below lines in the file and comment with the tags ( <%--   --%> )    <%-- <div class="container banner">     <div class="row">         <div class="col-md-9 brand">             <h1><fmt:message key="jsp.layout.header-default.brand.heading" /></h1>             <fmt:message key="

Library clearance/Discharge certificate in Koha

 Library clearance/Discharge certificate A library Clearance / Discharge certificate certifies that the user has no holds, no active checkouts, and no outstanding debt. Here are the steps to generate a clearance certificate; 1. Enable useDischarge from Koha Administratio n > Global System Preference s. Search and find the  useDischarge settings. Turn it into Allow . 2. Customize the Discharge notice at Tools > Notices and slips . Search and find the  Discharge notice. The content of the notice is blank. Visit the Notice Template site and copy the content. Edit and save the notice. 3. Open the Patron account to generate Discharge. Find the Discharge button at the end of the Patron account. 4. Click on the Generate discharge button. The discharge certificate in PDF format will save on the computer.  Thanks to Mr. Vimal Reference:

Add Multiple Copies in Koha by Manual

Add Multiple Copies in Koha by Manual Go to catalogue and edit page  Click edit and Attach Item or click in new window Then enter the Accession number to add to this book Click delete and then okay

Koha OPAC Side Scroll Nav

 Koha OPAC Side Scroll Nav <style> #mySidenav a {   position: absolute;   left: -40px;   transition: 0.3s;   padding: 15px;   width: 100px;   text-decoration: none;   font-size: 20px;   color: white;   border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0; } #mySidenav a:hover {   left: 0; } # about {   top: 20px;   background-color: #04AA6D; } # blog {   top: 80px;   background-color: #2196F3; } # projects {   top: 140px;   background-color: #f44336; } # contact {   top: 200px;   background-color: #555 } </style> <div id="mySidenav" class="sidenav"> <a href=" LINK " id=" about " target="_blank" rel="noopener"> NAME </a> <a href=" LINK /" id=" blog " target="_blank" rel="noopener"> NAME </a>  <a href=" LINK " id=" projects " target="_blank" rel="noopener"> NAME </a> <a href=" LINK " id=" contact  "

Dspace User add and delete

Login as a superuser sudo su  (Enter password and hit enter) Create a new E-Person /dspace/bin/dspace user --add --email -g FristName -s Surname --password Password Show the list of all user accounts. The output result will appear on the terminal. /dspace/bin/dspace user --list Modify an account of User/E-person /dspace/bin/dspace user --modify -m -M -i -s surname -g Given_name -m -t Phone_number  Remove the E-Person/User account /dspace/bin/dspace user --delete -m Restrict the E-Person/User to log-in /dspace/bin/dspace user --modify -m -C disabled   Explanation of the user commands The dspace user command adds, lists, modifies, and deletes EPerson records. To create a new user account: [dspace] /bin/dspace user --add --email -g John -s User --password hiddensecret   /dspace//bin/dspace user --add --email -g N -s Your Name --password [dsp

Bacic HTML

Site Embed   <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1> Library Site </h1> <iframe width="320" height="240" src=" " title=" Library   Site "> </iframe> </body> </html>

Cheick-in and check-out Email Notification

 Item check-out Goto : Tools  › Notices and Slips  › Check out slip Email Section Past it these codes <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <style>         body{                     }         h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{             margin: 0;             padding: 0;         }         p{             margin: 0;             padding: 0;         }         .container{             width: 90%;             margin-right: auto;             margin-left: auto;         }         .brand-section{            background-color: #0047AB;            padding: 10px 20px;         }         .logo{             width: 50%;         }         }         .col-6{             width: 50%;             flex: 0 0 auto;         }         .text-white{             color: #fff;         }         .company-details{             float: left;             text-align: left;         }         .body-section{             padding: 16px;             border: 1px solid gray;         }         .heading{      

OPAC Modifications

OPAC Modifications OPAC Header Image in Intranet sudo cp /home/koha/header.png /usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs Find it :  http://localhost/header.png     or   http://Your IP/header.png OPAC User JS $("select[name='idx']").append("<option value='bc'>Accession No.</option>"); $("#login").hide(); $("#logo").hide(); OPAC Interface Color and Set the OPAC Background Image Go to : Home › Administration › System preferences › OPAC › OpacUserCSS Final Full coding Style available in the end OpacUserCSS open a tag for body and set the background to color: body { background:#FFF8D6; } OpacUserCSS open a tag for body and set the background to Image: body { background-image: url(""); background-color: #F4ECF7; } Next try changing the standard link colour: a, a:visited { color:#3366ff; } To change the link colour on mouse over. /*change link

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