Dspace User add and delete
Login as a superuser
sudo su (Enter password and hit enter)Create a new E-Person
/dspace/bin/dspace user --add --email abc@gmail.com -g FristName -s Surname --password PasswordShow the list of all user accounts. The output result will appear on the terminal.
/dspace/bin/dspace user --listModify an account of User/E-person
/dspace/bin/dspace user --modify -m given_email@gmail.com -M -i newmail@gmail.com -s surname -g Given_name -m new_email@gmail.com -t Phone_numberRemove the E-Person/User account
/dspace/bin/dspace user --delete -m abc@gmail.comRestrict the E-Person/User to log-in
/dspace/bin/dspace user --modify -m abc@gmail.com -C disabled
Explanation of the user commands
The dspace user command adds, lists, modifies, and deletes EPerson records.
To create a new user account:
[dspace] /bin/dspace user --add --email jquser@example.com -g John -s User --password hiddensecret
/dspace//bin/dspace user --add --email a@gmail.com -g N -s Your Name --password a@gmail.com
[dspace] /bin/dspace user --add --netid jquser --telephone 555-555-1234 --password hiddensecret
One of the options --email or --netid is required to name the record. The complete options are:
-a --add required
-m --email email address
-n --netid "netid" (a username in an external system such as a directory – see Authentication Methods for details)
-p --password a password for the account. Required.
-g --givenname First or given name
-s --surname
Last or surname
-t --telephone Telephone number
-l --language Preferred language
-c --requireCertificate Certificate required? See X.509 Authentication for details.
To list accounts:
[dspace] /dspace//bin/dspace user --list
This simply lists some characteristics of each EPerson.
-L --list required
To modify an account:
[dspace]/dspace/bin/dspace user --modify -m george@example.com
-M --modify required
-m --email identify the account by email address
-n --netid identify the account by netid
-g --givenname First or given name
-s --surname Last or surname
-t --telephone telephone number
-l --language preferred language
-c --requireCertificate certificate required?
-C --canLogIn is the account enabled or disabled?
-i --newEmail set or change email address
-I --newNetid set or change netid
To delete an account:
[dspace] /bin/dspace user --delete -n martha
-d --delete required
-m --email identify the account by email address
-n --netid identify the account by netid
The Groomer
This tool inspects all user accounts for several conditions.
-a --aging find accounts not logged in since a given date
-u --unsalted find accounts not using salted password hashes
-b --before
date cutoff for --aging
-d --delete delete disused accounts (used with --aging)
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