Customize the logo and header in XMLUI interface

 Customize the XMLUI interface

Open following file in a terminal,

sudo su
sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml

 Find the line (Line no.27) (Change the location bar title)

<message key="xmlui.general.dspace_home">PSG College of Technology</message>

Find the line  (Line no. 2170)

<message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle">DSpace Repository</message>

Change the text Dspace Repository

Save and close the file. 

Prepare a logo as follows (125x74 pixel).

Place the image in home folder.

Open a Linux Terminal and apply following command to copy the logo image to the folder.

cp logo.png /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/themes/Mirage/images

Open the css file to change the logo image attribute. Open a terminal and apply following command. 

Here Dspace webapps directory located in /opt/tomcat/. 

Dspace webapps may be located in /dspace folder. 

Confirm it before the execution of the below command;

sudo gedit /opt/tomcat/webapps/xmlui/themes/Mirage/lib/css/style.css

Find the following portion from the file.

#ds-header-logo { 

float : left;

of the image.

width: 130px;

height: 74px;

margin-top: IOpx;

background: url ('../../ images/logo.png');

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-color: transparent;

margin-right: 15px;

change the width and height of the logo. Change the logo name.

Go to the Dspace XMLUI home page and refresh the browser.



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