
Showing posts with the label Update

How to Upgrade Koha to Stable Version

How to Upgrade Koha to Stable Version A new version of Koha is regularly released every six months with new features and enhancements. Each koha release has a version number that consists of the year and month of the release. Here are the easy steps to upgrade the koha to a stable release. Before upgrading koha to a new version, I would recommend taking a backup of your koha database.  Apply the following commands in the Terminal Upgrade the Koha sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade apt-cache policy koha-common | grep -E 'Installed|Candidate' It shows Installed: 21.05.01-1 Candidate: 21.05.09-1 Then Update the koha to stable version sudo apt-get upgrade This will upgrade to the latest minor version, e.g. from 22.05.04 til 22.11.05 (It will also upgrade all the other software on your server that needs an upgrade.) The upgrade will print a list of software to be updated, please read this list before proceeding with the upgrade, and if packages related to mysql or mariadb are ...

Enable Koha backup by Graphical User Interface (GUI Mode)

 Enable Koha backup by Graphical User Interface (GUI Mode) Koha comes with a default tool that allows you to export your bibliographic and authority data from the Koha staff interface. In order to export the entire database (bibliographic data, patrons data, circulation data, etc.) including the configuration file, you need to make some changes in the config file of the koha instance. Let's know how to enable the export database through the staff interface and what needs to be changed in the config file. Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) sudo su Enter root password. Open the Koha config file sudo gedit /etc/koha/sites/ library /koha-conf.xml (In the above command " library " is the name of the my koha instance. Replace "library" with your instance name) Search the following lines in the file around line 283 <!-- Enable the two followings to allow super librarians to download database and configuration dumps (respectively) from the Export tool --> Make the cha...

Koha Backup and Restoration

 Koha Backup and Restoration Run the following command from the terminal in order to take the backup of your Koha database.  sudo mysqldump -u root -p koha_library > koha_library.sql Enter the MySQL root password. (Check the name of your database, in the above-mentioned command, root is a username for MySQL database (usually it is root unless you changed it) koha_library is a database name, and koha_library.sql is the name of the database backup file) Now Restore the database backup in the newly installed Koha machine Apply following commands sudo su (Hit Enter and enter the password) sudo apt-get update Open the MySQL database. sudo mysql -uroot -p Enter the MySQL database password Drop (remove) the existing database from koha. drop database koha_library; Now create the new database named " koha_library " create database koha_library; quit; Place your database backup file in the home folder. Execute the below command to restore the old backup to the new Koha installati...

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