Manage Collection wise and Department wise Items using Authorized values in koha


 Manage Collection wise and Department wise Items using Authorized values in koha

Koha allows you to manage the Items/Books through authorized value. Following are the steps to manage the library collection via authorized values.

1. Add Authorized Values for collection 
Go to Koha Administration ➤ Authorized Values and click on  CCODE


Click the New authorized value and add the codes of the new collection one by one 
e.g. Reference, Gifted books, Textbooks, fiction, Non-fiction, Audio Visual, etc.

2. Add Authorized Values for Department
Go to Koha  Administration ➤ Authorized Values and click on  LOC

Location in koha
Click the New authorized value and add the new Department codes one by one 
e.g. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science Engineering, etc.

3. Add collection and Department to record
Add or edit the records and select the collection code and Department from ( 952$C Shelving location) in the drop-down list that matches the record and add items to the catalog.

Generate Department wise report 
select v.lib as Department, count(i.itemnumber) as items 
from authorised_values v 
left join items i  ON (i.location=v.authorised_value) 
where v.category='LOC' 
group by

koha Inbuild report (Collection wise and Department wise)
 Koha > Item Search 

Select the Department (Shelving location) and collection code and Click on the Search button to generate a report. The report can be viewed on the browser and also can be exported in CSV format.



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