Create Super Librarian by command line in koha LMS
Create Super Librarian by command line in koha LMS
Sometimes Librarians forget the login credentials (User ID and Password) in the koha or the koha system has blocked the patrons account because of several unauthorized (wrong password) attempts to log in. In that case, we can create a new user account with the superuser/admin rights by the command lines.
Lets us know how to create a new Super Librarian account.
1. Activate environmental variables
sudo su
export PERL5LIB="/usr/share/koha/lib"
export KOHA_CONF="/etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml"
2. Change the super librarian script directory
cd /usr/share/koha/bin/devel/
3. Executive the following command to create a patron with the super librarian rights
./ --userid Librarian --password Librarian@123 --branchcode MAIN --categorycode STA --cardnumber 2000
In the above command following details have been used. you can change the details accordingly
Patrons User ID- Librarian
Patrons Password- Librarian@123
Library branchcode- MAIN
Patron categorycode- STA
Patron cardnumber-2000
NB:- Put the branchcode and patron categorycode carefully, These must be the same as you have created in your koha server. If you forgot the Patron categorycode and branchcode then apply the following commands to retrieve them.
Enter the MySql Databases
mysql -uroot -p
(Enter mysql password)
Select Koha database
use koha_library;
Retrieve the branchcode and patron categorycode
SELECT branchcode,categorycode
FROM borrowers;
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