Installation of EPrints on Ubuntu
Install EPrints on Ubuntu (LTS Version is Recommended)
i) A Linux server
ii) Apache
iii) MariaDB or MySQL
iv) Perl
V) EPrints Software
Step1: Open the terminal by pressing (Ctrl+Alt+T) or go to Applications > Terminal and select it for executing the below command.
Become a root user
sudo su [Give your root password]
Create a File
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eprints.list
#Add the below line and save it [Press ctrl+x, then type y and press Enter key to save]
deb ./
Download the key repository
wget -O - | apt-key add -
Update & Upgrade Ubuntu
apt update; apt upgrade -y
Not Required to install xpdf
Install xpdf
dpkg -i libpoppler73_0.62.0-2ubuntu2.12_amd64.deb; apt install --fix-broken -y
dpkg -i xpdf_3.04-7_amd64.deb; apt install --fix-broken -y
This part compulsory
Install eprints
apt install eprints -y
Download flavoured repository
tar -xzvf eprints-3.4.4-flavours.tar.gz
mv eprints-3.4.4/flavours/pub_lib /usr/share/eprints/flavours
Give Permission
chmod -R g+w /usr/share/eprints/flavours/pub_lib
chown -R eprints:eprints /usr/share/eprints/flavours/pub_lib
(Note: If you are using Ubuntu 16.04LTS, then the installation process will ask to create Root password for MySQL Database. Enter the new root password and note down it)
Set MySQL root password if you are using Ubuntu 18.04LTS or above.
Check the status of your MySQL
/etc/init.d/mysql status [It must show Active]
mysql -u root
USE mysql;
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your password';
Run epadmin to create EPrints archive
su -l eprints
./bin/epadmin create pub
Ready to answer the following questions. See the questions and sample answers.
1. Archive ID? eprints
2. Configure vital settings? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
3. Hostname?
4. Webserver Port [80] ? Press the Enter button
5. Alias (enter # when done) [#] ? Press the Enter button
6. Path [/] ? Press the Enter button
7. HTTPS Hostname [] ? Press the Enter button
8. Administrator Email? Enter the administrator email here.
9. Archive Name [Test Repository] ? eprints
10. Organisation Name [Organisation of Test] ?
11. Write these core settings? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
12. Configure database? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
13. Database Name [eprints] ? Press the Enter button
14. MySQL Host [localhost] ? Press the Enter button
15. MySQL Port (# for no setting) [#] ? Press the Enter button
16. MySQL Socket (# for no setting) [#] ? Press the Enter button
17. Database User [eprints] ? Press the Enter button
18. Database Password [by Default password] ? Press the Enter button
19. Database Engine [InnoDB] ? Press the Enter button
20. Write these database settings? [yes]? Press the Enter button
21. Create database “eprints” [yes] ? Press the Enter button
22. Database Superuser Username [root]? Press the Enter button
23. Database Superuser Password? Enter the MySQL Root password. Password will not display here.
24. Create database tables? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
25. Create an initial user? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
26. Enter a username [admin] ? Press the Enter button
27. Select a user type (user|editor|admin) [admin] ? Press the Enter button
28. Enter Password? Admin@123 Enter a password and note down it. We need it while login as admin.
29. Email? Enter an email for the admin user. Press the Enter button
30. Do you want to build the static web pages? [yes]? Press the Enter button
31. Do you want to import the LOC subjects and sample divisions? [yes] ? Press the Enter button
32. Do you want to update the apache config files? (you still need to add the ‘Include’ line) [yes]? Press the Enter button
Exit from EPrints user
To find your IP, type the command below
Note the IP of your system
Change the Hostname
(Open the following file and give the Hostname)
nano /etc/hosts
Add the following lines,
[System IP]
Find the IP and add to the hosts’ file.
[Press ctrl+x, then type y and press Enter key to save]
Apache configuration
Add EPrints site to Apache web server,
a2ensite eprints
Restart Apache server
systemctl restart apache2
Open EPrints
Open a Web browser and put the following address in the bar,
Log into Eprints by clicking the Login link on the home page. Log in using the username admin and apply the password: Admin@123 you have entered during the post-installation configuration.
Enjoy EPrints
Thank you
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