
Drupal Installation on Ubuntu

Drupal Installation on Ubuntu Prerequisites 1. Ubuntu 20.04 2. Root access or user with sudo privileges You can check whether you have the proper Ubuntu version installed on your server with the following command: lsb_release -a You should get this output: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal Then, run the following command to make sure that all installed packages on the server are updated to the latest available version sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 2. Install and Configure Web server Drupal 9 supports many webservers, like Apache, nginx, LiteSpeed, even Microsoft IIS . In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Drupal 9 using apache or nginx on your Ubuntu 20.04. Drupal will be installed in directory /var/www/html/drupal. For this purpose, we need to create the directory. sudo mkdir /var/www/html/drupal a. Apache If you want to use Apache , run this command to install it from the repos...

Joomla installation in Ubuntu

Joomla installation in Ubuntu Prerequisites : Ubuntu 20.04 Administrative sudo user with root privileges Step 1: Connect to your Server Once logged in, make sure that your server is up-to-date by running the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Step 2: Install Apache web server and PHP Joomla requires a webserver to function. Apache is a fast and secure web server and one of the most popular and widely used web servers in the world. You can install it from the official Ubuntu repositories running the following command: sudo apt install apache2 After installing Apache, the commands below can be used to stop, start and enable Apache services to always start up every time your server starts up. sudo systemctl stop apache2.service sudo systemctl start apache2.service sudo systemctl enable apache2.service To verify that Apache is running, execute the following command: sudo systemctl status apache2 installation of joomla 4.0 on ubuntu 20.04 Since Joomla is built on P...

Installation of EPrints on Ubuntu

 Install EPrints on Ubuntu (LTS Version is Recommended) Requisite Software for EPrints: i) A Linux server ii) Apache iii) MariaDB or MySQL iv) Perl V) EPrints Software Step1: Open the terminal by pressing ( Ctrl+Alt+T ) or go to Applications > Terminal and select it for executing the below command. Become a root user sudo su [Give your root password] Create a File nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eprints.list #Add the below line and save it [Press ctrl+x, then type y and press Enter key to save] deb ./ Download the key repository wget -O - | apt-key add - Update & Upgrade Ubuntu apt update; apt upgrade -y Not Required to install xpdf Install xpdf wget wget dpkg -i libpoppler73_0.62.0-2ubuntu2.12_amd64.deb; apt install --fix-brok...

Installation of VuFind on Ubuntu

 Installation of VuFind on Ubuntu Software need to be installed through the command prompt: i) A Linux server ii) Apache iii) MariaDB or MySQL iv) PHP v) Java JDK vi) VuFind vii) Mousepad (Text-Editor) (Note the red mark lines are the command need to be executed on the terminal) Short Installation:  ( Details Installation  👈🏻 Click Here ) Step1: Open the terminal by pressing ( Ctrl+Alt+T ) or go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and select it for executing the below command. Update Ubuntu This process will update the Linux operating system latest by downloading new packages. sudo apt update Install Mousepad text editor gedit is an open-source text editor, which requires opening configuration files while the installation process of VuFind. sudo apt-get install gedit Download VuFind wget Install the package sudo dpkg -i vufind_8.1.1.deb If you do not have all of VuFind’s dependenci...

Installing Multiple Instances of Koha or Multiple Library of Koha

 Installing Multiple Instances of Koha or  Multiple Library of Koha   First install Mousepad (or) Leafpad If needed ( Already installed ignore the command) Open Terminal and apply the below command (Ctrl + T) sudo apt-get install mousepad             (or) sudo snap install leafpad Add two different port numbers for new Koha instance sudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf Already have Listen 8080 & Listen 80 Add two new ports, Listen 8000 Listen 8001 Create new instance sudo koha-create --create-db library2 We have created an instance (e.g. Library2) for our LIS Library. Open and edit apache site file add port numbers sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/ library2 .conf   Installing Multiple Instances of Koha Save and close the file. Restart Apache server   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart   Restart Memcached service to open Koha web installer.   sudo service memcached restart   Open Koha st...

How to Upgrade Koha to Stable Version

How to Upgrade Koha to Stable Version A new version of Koha is regularly released every six months with new features and enhancements. Each koha release has a version number that consists of the year and month of the release. Here are the easy steps to upgrade the koha to a stable release. Before upgrading koha to a new version, I would recommend taking a backup of your koha database.  Apply the following commands in the Terminal Upgrade the Koha sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade apt-cache policy koha-common | grep -E 'Installed|Candidate' It shows Installed: 21.05.01-1 Candidate: 21.05.09-1 Then Update the koha to stable version sudo apt-get upgrade This will upgrade to the latest minor version, e.g. from 22.05.04 til 22.11.05 (It will also upgrade all the other software on your server that needs an upgrade.) The upgrade will print a list of software to be updated, please read this list before proceeding with the upgrade, and if packages related to mysql or mariadb are ...

Enable Koha backup by Graphical User Interface (GUI Mode)

 Enable Koha backup by Graphical User Interface (GUI Mode) Koha comes with a default tool that allows you to export your bibliographic and authority data from the Koha staff interface. In order to export the entire database (bibliographic data, patrons data, circulation data, etc.) including the configuration file, you need to make some changes in the config file of the koha instance. Let's know how to enable the export database through the staff interface and what needs to be changed in the config file. Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) sudo su Enter root password. Open the Koha config file sudo gedit /etc/koha/sites/ library /koha-conf.xml (In the above command " library " is the name of the my koha instance. Replace "library" with your instance name) Search the following lines in the file around line 283 <!-- Enable the two followings to allow super librarians to download database and configuration dumps (respectively) from the Export tool --> Make the cha...

Koha Backup and Restoration

 Koha Backup and Restoration Run the following command from the terminal in order to take the backup of your Koha database.  sudo mysqldump -u root -p koha_library > koha_library.sql Enter the MySQL root password. (Check the name of your database, in the above-mentioned command, root is a username for MySQL database (usually it is root unless you changed it) koha_library is a database name, and koha_library.sql is the name of the database backup file) Now Restore the database backup in the newly installed Koha machine Apply following commands sudo su (Hit Enter and enter the password) sudo apt-get update Open the MySQL database. sudo mysql -uroot -p Enter the MySQL database password Drop (remove) the existing database from koha. drop database koha_library; Now create the new database named " koha_library " create database koha_library; quit; Place your database backup file in the home folder. Execute the below command to restore the old backup to the new Koha installati...

Restrict access to logged-in users only in Dspace

 Restrict access to logged-in users only in Dspace 1. Login as an Admin 2. Edit the Item or Community 3. Click on "Authorizations..." button (on the Right-Side Item Status tab) 4. Find the Bitstream (File) access policy and click on the "ID" column. (for Community Restriction add E-people or E-Group in READ Access only.) 5. Change the Group from "Anonymous" (which means anyone can access it) to a different Group 6. Save the changes

Change default port number of Koha

Change default port number of Koha Open a Applications > Accessories > Terminal and add new port numbers in the following file, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf We have to add new ports for Koha. Port 8000 for Koha staff client and port number 8001 for OPAC. Add the following lines in the file, Listen 8000 Listen 8001 Disable the port unwanted port number by putting a # in front of the line. e.g. #Listen 8080 Save and close the file. Change port numbers in Apache configuration files for Koha instance, sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/library.conf find the title and change port numbers. # OPAC <VirtualHost *: 8001 > and # Intranet <VirtualHost *: 8000 > Save and close the file. Restart Apache, sudo service apache2 restart

Dspace 7.5 Latest Installation on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Dspace 7.5 Installation We use Debian 11 (Bull Eye) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS to install DSpace 7. Update the operating system. Apply the following commands one by one to receive new updates. It makes the system new. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Create a DSpace user from the terminal after the installation. Here are the commands to create the  DSpace user; sudo useradd -m dspace sudo passwd dspace [enter a password for the new user dspace] Add dspace user to sudoers group sudo usermod -aG sudo dspace  Create the directory for the DSpace installation. sudo mkdir /dspace Change the dspace folder permission to the dspace user. sudo chown dspace /dspace Build the Installation Package Install packages to support the Dspace installation. sudo apt install wget curl git build-essential mousepad zip unzip -y Install Open JDK The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. JDK prepares an...

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