
Showing posts from November, 2023

Installing Multiple Instances of Koha or Multiple Library of Koha

 Installing Multiple Instances of Koha or  Multiple Library of Koha   First install Mousepad (or) Leafpad If needed ( Already installed ignore the command) Open Terminal and apply the below command (Ctrl + T) sudo apt-get install mousepad             (or) sudo snap install leafpad Add two different port numbers for new Koha instance sudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf Already have Listen 8080 & Listen 80 Add two new ports, Listen 8000 Listen 8001 Create new instance sudo koha-create --create-db library2 We have created an instance (e.g. Library2) for our LIS Library. Open and edit apache site file add port numbers sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/ library2 .conf   Installing Multiple Instances of Koha Save and close the file. Restart Apache server   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart   Restart Memcached service to open Koha web installer.   sudo service memcached restart   Open Koha staff client and proceed installation post installation process.   Zebra

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